Bronco Gold
Kills & repels stable flies, horn flies, house flies, face flies, horse flies, deer flies, mosquitoes & gnats while giving your horse a healthy shine
Dual Defense
Protects the whole family, horse and human, by repelling annoying mosquitoes, ticks and biting flies and protecting them from insect-borne diseases.
You can't seal your horse in a fly-free zone, but this is the next-best option. Sweat-resistant formula protects from biting flies, gnats, ticks & lice
Equicare Flysect Super-C
Economical concentrate controls face, stable, deer & horse flies, plus gnats, mosquitoes & chiggers
Equicare Flysect Super-7
Shield your horse from insects & sun. Immediate & residual control of gnats, flies, mosquitoes, mites, chiggers, fleas, ticks & lice, plus sunscreen
Long-lasting wipe fly spray that means business. Protects against horse, house, stable, face, horn & deer flies plus gnats, mosquitoes, lice & ticks
Contains the botanical repellent PyGanic and essential oils of citronella, clove stem and mint. Repels and kills horse & deer flies, mosquitoes and gnats.
24 products found