The Horse Owners Guide to Creating Your No Fly Zone

When it comes to fly control, horse owners have more options than ever before. However, there's no single solution that will completely banish every pest, it's just not that easy! In order to fight flies on all fronts we recommend using our three-stage approach to fly control, BLOCK - REPEL - REDUCE, which means using different products for specific scenarios.
To BLOCK, use a fly mask to create a physical barrier and protect your horse's eyes and face. SuperMask II Horse Fly Mask comes in different styles to protect the face and ears from biting flies, gnats and ticks.
To REPEL, an on-horse repellent such as a fly spray, spot-on or wipe-on is best. What's your preference? A long-lasting spray like Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray, a botanical option like Equisect Fly Repellent, or a spot-on treatment such as Equi-Spot Spot-On Protection? In some cases, a combination will be helpful.
To REDUCE, we offer a pelleted product that you feed to your horse to stop the fly life cycle before it starts. An insect growth regulator in SimpliFly Feed-Thru Fly Control breaks the house and stable fly life cycle by preventing larvae from developing into mature adults. It's a safe and simple way to reduce unwanted flies on your farm.
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